Don't Get Lost in the Laundry

Episode #118 Systems to Scale


Have you ever wanted to start a business, but feel stuck and don't know how to start. I wanna get you from idea to income in less than 90 days, so you can change lives and make an impact while earning money. My name is Barbie Joe, and welcome to passion to profit.

Hi everyone. Barbie Joe here. And welcome to another episode of the podcast today. I would love to introduce you to Melinda Wayland. She is the owner of order to everything. And she is providing productivity system and organizing strategies to streamline your online business and busy life and increase your income while you're at it.

Oh my gosh. You're talking all things. I love welcome to this show, Melinda. .

Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm glad to be here. We

have so much to learn from you. I would love to hear what got you

started. Well, I, I have a little bit of a journey into what I'm doing right now. I, I started out as an interior designer and, uh, moved into, uh, motherhood with a traveling spouse.

And that led me into organizing, organizing just automatically fit into what I did before. And, uh, Best friend of mine pointed out that it could be something that I actually have a business with and I didn't even know it . And so I started my business in 2017 and then I've slowly morphed ever since I started, I knew that I wanted something online, but I didn't know what it was.

And so I've been working in home, but then also transitioning online for the past couple of years. And so I. Built a, a group program that I ran for a year for organizing. And now I'm working with entrepreneurs doing more online stuff. And so it's been quite a journey and that's, that's a little bit of a summary of how I got where I am.


love it. You're a girl after my own heart. We are both in the same space, um, serving the same audience. So this is very. And I love that you've taken your background and your past experience of interior design, and you're bringing that into the industry. That is really cool. Well, let's talk. I know you have a masterclass called systems to scale.

Tell us a little bit about that.

Yes. So systems to scale is a, like you said, it's a masterclass that teaches the foundational business hub that I use as one of my systems. So I have, I have so many systems that I've, you know, created over the past couple of years building my own business. And so being able to provide them to others, Just gonna make it so much easier for everybody else.

And so, uh, but the, the system to scale is the foundational business hub system. It walks you through the one Asana system that works with everything else that I use in my business, and it teaches you how to use it. And it is basically a everything all in one place at your fingertips system, inside of a sauna to hold everything that you need for your business.

To learn more visit: DISCOVER THE BEST JOB