Don't Get Lost in the Laundry

Episode #113 Overcoming Common Road Blocks


Hello everyone. Barbie Joe here and welcome to the attract high paying clients master class. We're gonna dive deeper now. We are going to smash. So two is smash some of these fears and these, um, limiting beliefs. If you. We are going to address those right now. So a lot of you might be thinking, who am I to consider myself an expert?

I remember when I first decided like, yes, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start organizing homes. I had that belief. I was like, well, who am I? Who am I to say, hello world? I'm a professional organizer. Come hire me. That was the tough hurdle to. But I had to sit back and realize, hold on, I have blessed.

I've been blessed with gifts. I have unique talents that set me apart from everyone else. And I have my life skillset that not everybody else has that sets me apart. I can offer. Something that some people have no idea how to do. And then I was still, I was still like, eh, okay. Yeah, sure. And then I met with a life coach.

I hired a life coach. I knew I needed, I needed some of that training in my life. And she said, you know, Colby Bryant. I was like, yeah. She's like Kobe Bryant has a personal trainer. Right. And I was like, yeah, he does. And he said, she. Do you think Colby Bryant's personal trainer is a better basketball player than he is.

And I was like, well, course not Colby. Bryant's the best basketball player in the world. She was like, bam, you do not have to be the best in the world to consider yourself an expert. Colby Bryant's personal trainer is an expert in training athletes. Is he the best athlete in the world? Nope. Not by a long shot, but he can help professional athletes level up and get better.

And guess what? That's what we do. That's exactly what we do. I felt like a total fraud because here I am organizing other people's homes and my own home is not picture perfect. 24 7. My garage is a hot mess. That's my husband's zone. And I can't stay on top of that. And so I felt like a fraud, but the bottom line was that I can share with other people how to become organized.

I know how to do it just because my garage isn't there doesn't mean I don't know how to do it. I absolutely know how to do it. And that's why you are an expert. Okay. Now let's talk about. Let's talk about a diploma versus experience, right? You go to school for years and years and you get a degree, you get a degree, you finally have this piece of paper that says you've accomplished the thing.

Okay. But can you actually do the thing? Have you been doing the thing because you look at somebody who's been doing it for years and years and years. They might not have the diploma, but they have years of experience actually doing it. What's gonna be more valuable right. Experience by a long shot. So my life coach said, if you feel like you need a piece of paper to tell you that you are good at what you do, she's like by all means, go out and get.

Go get a little piece of paper that, uh, tells you, you are now a certified professional organizer. And she said, this little piece of paper will bring you a lot of confidence and a lot of peace, but know that, that it's just that it's a piece of paper. It didn't change what you already know and what you already do.

It just makes you feel more confident and secure in being able to call yourself an expert at the. And I was like, whoa, like mind blown. I was like, okay, let's do this. So the enemy inside of our head loves to tell us that we aren't enough and that you're not good enough. And there's somebody better than you and you're not capable.

And that enemy inside of our head is holding us back. Right in the shows up in ways like fear insecurity, doubt, discouragement. That is the enemy holding you back. And we need to get out of our own way and know that we've been here. We've been put here in this world for a reason.