Don't Get Lost in the Laundry

Episode #107 Earning Leads


Have you ever wanted to start a business, but feel stuck and don't know how to start. I want to get you from idea to income in less than 90 days, so you can change lives and make an impact. Well, earning money. My name is Barbie Joe, and welcome to passion to profit.

hello, everyone. Barbie dove here. And today I want to train you as though you were working on my team, earning a commission-based of. Okay. So what does that entail if you come aboard my team and you're trying to book clients for Barbie, Joe, LLC, then we have a special system. It's a very specific that we use to generate leads to book clients because my team gets rewarded.

For finding clients. And we have opened this up to anyone who is interested in becoming an affiliate of Barbie Jo, LLC. You may also implement these systems and begin generating leads. And then whoever books a project with us, you will then get a commission off the job. So with that said, let's dive in as a business owner, I teach.

Professional organizers to get listed. Right. I tell them to name their business, come up with a great slogan, an elevator pitch, and then get listed anywhere and everywhere. Now, if you're going to be working as a team member, for example, in the position of an affiliate, you would then do the same thing. So if you want to join my team, you.

Create job listings for Barbie, Jo, LLC, luxury home organizing, and you would create them on all the free platforms, because we don't want you to necessarily spending money out of your own pocket to get leads. So these are my go-to places where you should be creating a listing. Google Yelp. Find my organizer, doc.

And then I have some new ones. I would like to introduce you to home., Yellow pages. And then home Now these are all platforms that are online and I do believe they all have a free listing. Now, if you were interested in investing a little bit of money to get the leads, because you could be generating hundreds of dollars for each lead.

So if you want to spend a little bit of money to get those leads, Thumbtack is a really good one. In fact, if you Google search a home organizer in any area, the first page, the first listing that pops up is always Thumbtack. So if you have a listing with Thumbtack, that's amazing. However, they do charge you seven to $9 per lead that they send your way and you can choose to accept the lead or not.

So it does require a little bit of investment as the leads come in. You're not. So that's a cool thing too. So you need to prepare a profile. Now, if you're working for my team, I have assets that you can use. I have images. I have logos. I have banners. I have flyers that you will have access to as you're building out these listings.

Okay. Now you also want to create. Profiles on social media. So these would be under your name as a representative of Barbie Jo LLC. So your cover image would represent the company and you would have a call to action. In your bios, whether it's Instagram, Twitter, Tech-Talk Facebook, you should have all of these accounts created and you can create a new page specifically for business.

So it has nothing to do with your personal stuff. And there you want to have very clear. Call to action that we are Barbie, Joe, LLC. Luxury home organizing. You can click here to book a free consultation or visit this website. Email here. Very clear call to action needs to be on the image itself in the description of the image.

And then also in the bios in any bio that you get to create. That is very, very important. So you're constantly wanting to drive traffic that way. Now, once you get these leads coming in, that's when we need to start corresponding with them. So we need to reach out anybody who has shown any interest just to get them to engage.

And we do that by asking questions. I like to call these universal questions that anybody can answ